Sunday, March 21, 2010

Did I mention..

That my mom totally ROCKS!!!! The woman flew out to Utah, took care of my kids and nursed me back to health after surgery. And if that wasn't enough, she flew to NY and has been here for a week and is here for yet another. I LOVE this woman and am so grateful to have my baby brought to me:)
Good news for the day: I took a few steps without crutches!!!


Autumn KIMBALL said...

knee surgery obviously..planned? Good thing for moms!

Annie and Jake Callister said...

ummm, was this planned or was this a ski accident?

Summer said...

I saw the accident report on Kaye's blog and was wondering when you were going to mention it. I hope you are feeling better. It stinks to be laid up with so many little people to chase!!

kaye said...

i've never met her, but i love her too. :) i kind of don't like seeing you because it makes me miss you guys even more. boo hoo.

Amy M said...

Here, here! We never outgrow our moms.

Melin said...

I can't even comment. Moms cannot get hurt, it just isn't just. Yeah for Aunt Marla!

Alex and Garrett said...

Brooke - So sorry about the knee! I hope you're getting around okay. Looks like you guys had a great time on your trip!