Monday, March 22, 2010

Babies, babies, babies and more babies.

So my knee was an accident (skiing of course) but such a bonus was that we got to be out there when all the babies came. Five babies in one year! Four of which were born within two and a half months. Seriously, how cute are those babies?! I know, I am biased but I still think I'm right.


Tamra said...

Talk about cousin heaven right there. They are going to have a blast in about 5 years. I can just see Elle having them all under her direction:) I am so sorry to hear about your poor knee. There is definitely a special place in heaven for mothers like yours! Tell her hello from me.

Marla and Clayt said...

I agree - they are the cutest things ever...and I'm definitely not biased :) Can you send this pic to me via email? thanks and love you!