Thursday, May 27, 2010

6:30 am

This little one came running in my room needing gum.

I informed her we were all out. She ran out telling me she was going to look for some. A little while later.. she came running in "Mom, we need to get a lot of gum at the store."

She asks for this every morning. What do you think the girl dreams about?


lauren ann said...

So cute.... so random. I love reading about your amazing lil family

Katharine said...


I have to say my Addy asks for Gum about 1000 times a day. I had to buy a big box at Costco the other day. I just can't understand the gum obsession.

Ty & Andi said...

ok, so that has to be one of the cutest faces I have ever seen...we miss you guys!