Saturday, March 27, 2010


to have this chunky, funny little guy in my life.


sarah marie. said...

those rolls are to die for!

Melissa said...

Holy Cow! He looks so much like Elle in this picture. I love that you have a chunky baby. Cross your fingers for us to have one too! Hope you're doing better.

Summer said...

Oh my gosh he is such a super cutie. (Not that I expected any differently of course!) Ohh, it almost makes me want another one. Almost.

Jenny said...

oh my goodness so cute!

kaye said...


Alli said...

He is such a handsome little boy!

Did you know we will be living in Western Massachusetts for residency which means we will be that much closer to you? We will definitely have to get together!

Love your family! You have the cutest kids and you are inspiring me to go for 4 . . . especially if my 4th can be as cute as this little man :)

Foulgers said...

Please come see us in Maryland! We love you guys. Elle, I love that necklace!

Amy M said...

Sweet baby PERFECTION.

Marla and Clayt said...

This pic is one of my favorites. Can you email it to me for my "grandkids" wall? Thanks.