Sunday, April 25, 2010

Get me to the Church on time

The truth of the matter is that I was up at 6 and Church doesn't start till 10 but somehow we always manage to be a few minutes late. Today as we were about to leave, Kate got hit in the head with a flying toy car (it really was an accident) plus the shoes that matched her dress were scrapped yesterday and me thinking I was brilliant colored the scrapped part blue to match (they did not match to her liking). Gray thought he was in trouble for the flying car and if I remember right (which I rarely do) he was upset about his car sippy cup. But I really did pull out the camera to get a picture of Elle in those earrings because she wears them so seriously. She found them the other day with my jewelry and she keeps wearing them (they are clip on's). My favorite was yesterday when she was wearing them while playing in a mud hole, catching frogs.

So this is why we were a few minutes late today.


Summer said...

oh did you make her little dress? it is adorable!! Been there, I feel like we are always sliding in right under the wire to church.

Marla and Clayt said...

I love your blog. I love to chuckle about everything you write, and sometimes just laugh out loud. I'm glad you can see the humor in the moment (i.e.taking pics) as I don't think I ever did. Good job!

Unknown said...

Your girls get more and more beautiful. Cant wait to introduce our kids in person someday. Hope you are well. Love, T.

Alex and Garrett said...

I'm just glad that, realizing you were already going to be late, you took the extra minute or two to document the event. Too funny and cute kiddos.
PS - I'm doing great if we make the opening hymn.