Sunday, April 18, 2010

American girl

The day finally came! Thank you all who made this day possible. It brought tears to my eyes to see who bought her jewels. A sincere thank you. We (Elle, Lucas and I) drove the 2.5 hours to Boston to go to the American Girl store. It was well worth the drive. And a bonus, Ashley and Bennett met up with us after, I LOVE those two!!
This is her running in the rain yelling "Yippee, I am getting my American Doll", over and over.

Posing in front of the store.

Apparently you have to make reservations way in advance to eat at the little diner but they managed to squeeze us in. We didn't have time to buy the doll first though so she was able to borrow Ruthy. Side note.. Kate did not come because she told me she was going to cry the whole time (she wants Ruthy) and as we were taking this picture Elle was talking all about how Kate was going to cry because she was with Ruthy.

Miniature little food (Elle ate the dolls food, not her own).

Poor kid is going to hate this picture when he is older.

Picking out Kit.

After they took her out of the box (I always love her little leg actions in her photos).

Watching a movie with Kit on the way home.

That night we got home late. Nik got home equally late with the other children. The girls were in their room telling each other about their day. Elle was going on and on about Kit and all of her adventures of the day. I walked into the mud room to lock the door and I saw this. I don't know why I thought it was hilarious to have Elle talking up the doll that was sprawled on the floor down stairs (don't worry, she is in her bed tonight).

Matt Jones,
You totally rock! And I am so sorry for how late your jewels are. I will not bore everyone with all the insane stories I have for trying to get this little package off and of where this little package has traveled. After almost loosing two children in a parking lot (me trying to hobble after them) and having a woman flat out laughing at me telling me I have four children (thank you, I really was not aware) we finally got it off. If you have not yet received it.. this is your tease. It is coming! And PS you bought my favorite one.


Katherine Lewis said...

You are such darling mother.

p.s. Lucas is ADORABLE! He looks like a mini-Elle, but with a boyish look. Seriously, that little face is so perfect.

I can't wait to meet him!

I love you all!

Courtney Peña said...

I'm so happy that she got her doll! You are such a good mom. What a great way to earn something. Way to go Elle!!

ashley schmutz said...

it was so much fun seeing you guys! you are the BEST! elle, i am so happy for you and cant wait to hear more and more and MORE about KIT! you guys made my saturday! thanks for coming and come again soon! LOVE YOU!

Summer said...

love it love it love it!! We Hannah also loves Kit, and we have had a ton of fun sewing and crafting for her. One of the very first things Hannah sewed was an apron for kit. I feel your pain on the post office, difficult to say the least! Let's think about some sort of pen pall exchange!

lauren ann said...

Oh I SO wish I could have been there to see you all and see cute elle with her doll. 2 Foulger sisters in one day may have just sent me over the top. Next time.. next time.. xo

Kay said...

Reese loved it. She can't wait for Elle's spring line. Lucas and Max need to hang out.