Sunday, March 8, 2009

our Sunday

Now that the sun has come out, Kate's favorite new phrase in the car (in a desperate tone) "Is hot mama, is hot". Meaning that the sun is in her eyes. She discovered glasses today.

They were "best friends" today. Lets hope it lasts tomorrow:)

We still dance. All the time.

Gray is usually the DJ and doesn't quite know what to do when the job is taken from him.

We love these little kids. Did I mention it was a beautiful day and we got to play outside. I am sure that is why every one had a great and happy day (plus their dad is really funny, that's what they are laughing at).

You may not believe this but I was a tom boy as a little girl (at least that is how I remember it). And even though I make jewelry, I never wear it. It is a really lucky thing if I get makeup on for Church. So it is true, they come with their own little personalities:) Thank goodness for that.


Summer said...

I just love the pictures of the girls dancing. I have been meaning to ask if they wear headbands. I have a surprise for you, send me your address in an email.

AshleyJ said...

Your kids are so cute. And the bedroom is adorable! If you're craving warm weather, you can always come to Houston. Today's high...a warm 85. Welcome Spring!

The Snow Family said...

Brooke your kids are so darling. I see SO much Foulger in Grey! It's the eyes... he looks like you and Erin. And your girls look like they just adore him! Hope you are starting to thaw out up north! Not to rub it in... but it was 80 degrees here in NC yesterday! Gotta love the south...

Jenny said...

The kids are so cute together!

grammie said...

Too cute kiddies! We really enjoyed all the pictures and the comments. We had so much fun with all of you in Utah. Can't wait to see you again!

Elle - your room rocks! Kate - I love your haircut and Gray - you are one cool dude.

Dad Nik and Mom Brooke - good job...:) Love Grammie and Grandad

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